Service configuration
Click Service in the left-hand menu of IPS Manager to access all of these settings. The sections below correspond to the tabs in the Service screen.
After making changes, click the Save all changes button to implement those changes. If you click in the left-hand menu to move to a different screen, without saving, a warning dialog will appear to confirm that you want to forget the changes you have made. If you click the Discard changes button then the contents of the screen will reset to their currently-saved values.
Errors: If you save changes and there are errors, message(s) will appear in red in an 'Errors' box. All errors must be fixed before you can save the changes in the screen.
Warnings: A Warnings box may appear when you save changes. Warnings will not prevent changes being made, however Planning Space or IPS Server may not function correctly if a warning has been triggered.
Service Settings
Setting name | Description |
Service address | The address of the IPS Server (either a single server machine, or the load balancer for a cluster) specified as a FQDN, DNS alias, or IP address. This setting is used by the IPS and Planning Space configuration files. |
Data source | The database that is being used as the IPS common database. Click the Assign button to open the Assign data source configuration dialog. You must be connected to a server machine (not a load balancer) to modify the common data source. |
Authorized cluster group | The IPS service account must be a member of the specified local security group in order to be able to create or modify an IPS Server cluster. |
Cluster servers |
List of the IPS Server machines showing: FQDN, primary/secondary server status (primary if the check box is ticked), the IPS version installed, and the status of the server. Allowed changes here are:
Endpoint Settings
Setting name | Description |
Web Server: Use... | One of three options can be selected: Use https specifies to use HTTPS for the IPS Server, Use http specifies to use HTTP for the IPS Server, or Use SSL offloading specifies to use SSL offloading by the load balancer (then the load balancer must use HTTPS, and all traffic between the load balancer and the IPS servers will be HTTP). For details see Setting up HTTPS (secure HTTP) for IPS Server, SSL offloading. |
Web Server: Use default port | Tick this box to use the default web port 80, or 443 if Use https is selected. |
Web Server: Port | If Use default port is not checked, type in the port number which has been configured. |
Management Ports: Management Monitor port | The server machine port used for monitor functions. Default is 81. Uses only HTTP and no user data is exposed on this port. |
Management Ports: Cluster port | The server machine port used for cluster management communications. Default is 82. |
Application ports | See IPS Server Application ports. |
Diagnostics Settings
The contents of log files can be configured with these settings.
Important: For an IPS Server cluser, log files are written separately on each server machine, based on the processes and events which occur only on that machine. There is no merging of log file content between the server machines.
Setting name | Description |
Main log level | The level of logging can be set to one of the following options (in order of increasing detail): Error, Warning, Info, Trace. The log file location is set for each server machine with the 'LogFolder' setting, in the IPS Manager Servers screen (see Servers configuration). |
Event log level | The level of logging can be set to one of the following options (in order of increasing detail): Error, Warning, Info, Trace. These log messages appear in the operating system Windows Event Viewer for each server machine. |
Generate memory dump | If this box is checked, when an IPS server machine shuts down unexpectedly then a dump file will be written to the machine hard disk. The dump file location is set for each server machine with the 'DumpFolder' setting, in the IPS Manager Servers screen (see Servers configuration). |
Service Certificate
The service certificate is required to enable secure HTTP (HTTPS) for the IPS Server, and therefore to have encrypted client-server communication for Planning Space applications.
There is no default certificate provided.
For set-up instructions, see Setting up HTTPS (secure HTTP) for IPS Server.
Mail Settings (SMTP settings)
Support address: This should be the email address for local technical support of the Planning Space deployment. A dummy value '' is set as default.
SMTP settings: These are connection settings for an optional SMTP server, so that IPS Server and Planning Space applications can send automated emails to administrators and users.
A Mail administrator in your organisation will be able to provide a username and password for the SMTP server, or make the necessary modifications to allow the IPS Server machines to connect via anonymous SMTP.
Use the Test SMTP Settings button to verify that the SMTP server connection is functional. This will generate a test email to be sent to a destination email address which you specify. The test email is sent when you click Test. If the SMTP request is successful there is no notification; if not successful, an error message will appear.
Setting name | Description |
Server | The FQDN of the SMTP server. A dummy value '' is set as default. |
Port | SMTP Server port number. A default value 25 is aet. |
Secure connection (SSL/TLS) | Check this if it is required for the SMTP connection. |
User name | The SMTP user name must be given in UPN format (i.e., ''). For anonymous SMTP, leave the User name and Password fields blank. |
Password | Password for the SMTP user. |
Send from email | This email address will be used as the Sender address for the automated emails sent by Planning Space/IPS Server. A dummy value '' is set as default. |
Advanced settings
The following table details the settings, default values, and allowed values. You can re-order the settings on the screen by clicking the Name or Category column headings.
Settings with non-default values are shown in bold face.
Use the Edit (pen) button
to change a setting value.
Use the Reset button to change
the setting to its default value.
Setting name | Description | Default Value | Allowed values or range |
Category: Connection Pool | |||
Tenant Connection Lifetime | When a connection is returned to the SQL connection pool, its creation time is compared with the current time, and the connection is destroyed if the time difference (in seconds) exceeds the value specified by Tenant Connection Lifetime. A zero value ('0') will cause pooled connections to have the maximum allowed time-out. This setting should not require modification unless a specific issue is identified with queuing and time-out of SQL Server connection requests. This setting is not related to IPS cluster inter-server communication, or Planning Space client-server communication. | 0 | Integer |
Tenant Max Pool Size | The maximum number of connections allowed for the SQL connection pool. The connections are used by Planning Space application processes to connect to a tenant database in SQL Server; they are taken and released automatically (each application instance may require multiple connections depending on the current activity of users). This setting should not require modification (even for larger-sized clustered deployments) unless a specific issue is identified with queuing and time-out of SQL Server connection requests. This setting is not related to IPS cluster inter-server communication, or Planning Space client-server communication. | 100 | Integer 10 to 32767 |
Category: Global | |||
DisplayLanguage | [DEPRECATED SETTING: DO NOT MODIFY] Set the UI display language for Planning Space applications. | en | |
Category: IntegrationServices | |||
Enable Windows Authentication | If set to True, Windows authentication will be enabled for processing OData API requests. | False | Boolean |
Category: License Server | |||
Enable Anonymous License Access | If set to True, anonymous requests to the license server will be allowed. If set to False, license requests must contain a valid access token. Anonymous access is not recommended but may be needed for backward compatibility or when legacy applications are in use. | False | Boolean |
Category: Logging | |||
Capture Api Traffic | If set to True, Web API and OData API requests will be logged in server-based log files. | True | Boolean |
Max File Rolling Backups | Specifies the maximum number of backup log files; when this is exceeded the oldest file will be erased whenever a new backup file is created. If set to 0 then there will be no backup files and the log file will be truncated when it reaches the 'Max Log File Size' value. The maximum applies to each time-based group of files and not the total. | 10 | 0 to 20 |
Max Log File Size | The maximum allowed log file size (in Mbytes); when this is exceeded a new log file is started and the previous log file is stored as a backup file. The number of backup files is controlled by the setting 'Max File Rolling Backups'. | 5 | 2 to 10 |
Category: Notification | |||
CertificateExpirationNoticePeriod | Starting from the specified number of days before the certificate expiry date, an expiry warning will appear in the IPS Manager. | 180 | 0 to 365 |
LogLevel | Sets the notification log level. | Info | Error, Warning, Info, Trace |
Notification History | Number of days of notification message history that are stored in the IPS Common database. | 7 | Integer 1 to 30 |
SubscriptionTimeoutPeriod | Time period in minutes before closing the session of an inactive client. | 5 | 5 to 30 |
Category: Proxy | |||
Add IPS Server To Global Proxy Bypass List | If set to True, the Planning Space client application will directly access IPS server resources and it will not check the system default proxy settings, or the custom proxy settings. | False | Boolean |
Custom Bypass On Local | If set to True, the proxy will be by-passed for local resources. Local resources include the local server (http://localhost, http://loopback, and a URL without a period (for example http://webserver). | None | Boolean or None |
Custom Proxy Address | The URL address of the proxy. | None | URL |
Enable Proxy | If set to True then a web proxy will be used. | True | Boolean |
Use System Default | Specifies whether to use Internet Explorer proxy settings. If set to False (or blank), the Internet Explorer proxy settings will be overridden with the values specified by the IPS 'Proxy' settings (see above in this table). | None | Boolean or None |
Category: Request processing | |||
SessionIdleTimeout | Interval in minutes to wait before closing a distributed compute session with no active request. | 5 | 2 to 120 |
Category: Scheduler | |||
Job History | Number of days that the output of a completed batch job or server task will be stored in the database. | 7 | Integer 2 to 30 |
Job History Cleanup Batch Size | Number of job rows to delete in each Job History cleanup batch. | 500 | Integer 100 to 2000 |
Category: Security | |||
AllowedApiKeyNames | Comma-delimited list of 'usernames' that will be allowed to submit requests to the Planning Space APIs with an API key used as the 'password'. | FeedKey,Account Key | Comma-delimited list or blank |
AllowedURLsForCrossOriginRequests | Comma-delimited URL whitelist for cross-origin requests to this IPS Server (used to allow connection from add-in tools). Include the port number if not 80 or 443. If the 'Use https' or 'Use SSL offloading' setting is enabled, only secure (https) URLs will be valid; if the 'Use http' setting is enabled, only http URLs will be valid. N.B. if the HTTP protocol of the IPS Server is changed then any connected server/service will also have to change protocol. | None | URL with protocol and FQDN, DNS alias or IP address |
API Key Lifetime | Sets the lifetime in days for a newly-created API key. If blank, the lifetime is unlimited. Note: changing this setting does not affect the expiration date (or unlimited status) of existing API keys. | blank | Number in range 0 to 366 (or blank) |
ContentSecurityPolicy | Sets the Content-Security-Policy HTTP response header for when the IPS server responds to static content requests. The default setting assumes that Pendo Tracking is enabled (see Pendo tracking); all of the 'pendo' statements must be retained if this setting is modified; the 'pendo' statements can be removed if Pendo Tracking is disabled. | default-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; font-src 'self' data:; img-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' data:; worker-src 'self' blob:; connect-src 'self'; frame-ancestors 'self'; frame-src 'self'; child-src; | |
RequestProcessorContainerApiKey | New in Version 20.4 API key to be used when checking the status of the containerized request processor. | blank | API key string |
ResponseCompression | Specifies whether response compression is used for IPS server responses to API requests. 'On' means compression is enabled for both HTTP and HTTPS protocols. 'Off' disables compression for both HTTP and HTTPS protocols. 'HttpOnly' enables compression for HTTP protocol only. The default value is blank, which has the same effect as 'HttpOnly'. Requires server restart if setting is changed. New in Version 20.3. | blank | On, Off, HttpOnly |
Category: Timeouts and Intervals | |||
ClusterRejoinInterval | Interval in minutes before a server attempts to rejoin the cluster. | 5 | 2 to 60 |
ClusterServerCheckFailureThreshold | Number of consecutive server check failures before setting a server to status 'Not Responding'. | 3 | Integer 3 to 20 |
ClusterServerCheckInterval | Interval in seconds between checks of the availability of a peer server. | 30 | 5 to 60 |
ClusterServerConnectionTimeout | Period in seconds before an attempt to open a connection to a peer server times out. | 30 | 5 to 60 |
ClusterServerOperationTimeout | Period in seconds before a service call to a peer server times out. | 600 | 60 to 1200 |
Data Source Check Failure Threshold | Number of consecutive data source check failures before a server disconnects from the cluster. The server will then attempt to rejoin the cluster after the time period specified by Cluster Rejoin Interval. | 3 | Integer 3 to 20 |
Data Source Check Interval | Interval in seconds before checking the availability of the IPS common data source (the common database). | 10 | 5 to 60 |
LaunchCodeValidityPeriod | Period in seconds before the auto-generated launch code becomes invalid. | 15 | 10 to 120 |
MaintenanceModeWaitPeriod | Period in seconds before a server machine goes into maintenance mode following the Administrator's request. The wait period will begin after the monitor port has been stopped, and must therefore be longer than the health check interval for this server which is set on the load balancer. | 10 | 2 to 120 |
ShutdownTimeoutPeriod | Timeout period in seconds before the IPS server terminates, after receiving a shutdown request. | 15 | 10 to 60 |
TenantUnloadPeriod | Period in seconds before completely unloading a tenant when there is a data source change. | 30 | 10 to 60 |